Monday, 4 January 2016

Why Should Consumers Use Quality Health Price Information to Make Health Decisions?

In the recent past, the government has been pushing for health service providers to clearly post their treatment charges. This was in a bid to ensure that the citizens are able to access the best medical care and at considerate prices. This is because if you are aware of how much a certain procedure will cost you in five different hospitals, then you will be able to choose the cheapest or if you like: the most affordable. This push was informed by the fact that our leaders thought that this would increase competition among the health care providers and consequently lead to an improvement in the services provided. It is in this regard that hospitals and insurance companies made their information on costs available.

Public Negligence
However, until today, most people are still not using this information as their basis in the making of their health decisions. People are still picking the first insurance policy that is presented to them without even seeking to find out if there is a better one. In the same way, you are likely to stagger into the nearest hospital and get medical care without even caring about how much you are going to cough as payment. In addition, many people still cling to the notion that good is expensive.

 But have you ever thought of what would happen if the bill was too high for you to pay? What if it surpassed your set budget? Where would you get the extra cash?

It is in the attempt to save yourself from such embarrassments that you should bank on reliable health price information in order to get a facility that will treat you without asking for your tooth and a nail. This information can be found in consumer health websites that not only enlighten you on ways of improving your health, but also shed light on the best health facilities. In essence, using quality health price information will help you in the following ways:

1.    Get quality for your money
As we stand today, money is not as available as it used to be. This is why you must be keen on how you spend it. Before you dish out that huge amount, ask yourself, is it possible for me to get the same service at a lower price? Does it really mean that this service is better just because it costs more? You couldn’t possibly miss something to do with that extra penny.

2.     It will help lower the cost of health care
In this country, hospitals are just like any other business: the owners are after profits. If consumers after getting the prices decide to shun a certain hospital because it is overcharging, then the management will not have any other option other than to lower the costs in order to attract more customers. In the same way, when a hospital receives no patients due to its low-quality services then it will be forced to improve. In the long run, when consumers make informed decisions they will help increase the quality of health care as well as lower the costs.

3.    It will help you make sound decisions
One thing with consumer health information is that it gives you all the details you need as concerns your health. When you access quality information about different services like insurance policies and treatment costs you will be able to make decisions that you will not live to regret. For instance, when it comes to the policies, you will be able to pick the one that will offer you the best deal in town.  This is a policy that will cover all your medical expenses comprehensively. This way you will always be ready to face the menace of diseases should it attack.

On the other hand, through this information, you will be able to identify the facility that will offer you the treatment you need and using the money you have. This way, you will not need to take up a loan or overdraw your credit card. In the end, you will not regret your decisions as you will have chosen a policy that will keep you sorted all through.

If the recent research is anything to go by, then it is clear that most consumers are not using quality health price information as a basis for their decisions. This may be because they are oblivious of benefits they can accrue from this utilization. If you use this information you will not only be able to get the best services but also at a price you can afford. This will also help in the reduction of costs and the improvement of the quality of services in our hospitals. It is therefore, sad that most of us are not using this information and are instead taking risks with their money and possessions.

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